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Crochet Oval Motif

Crochet Oval Motif.



3 thoughts on “Crochet Oval Motif”

  1. Hello there, I am trying to crochet a batman symbol oval for a 130 st across. Your pattern for the oval is great to follow, however I would like to know if u have any tips or pattern to continue the sequence till I find the correct size. Any information will be appreciated.

    1. Well, each round increases the stitch count by 12 stitches. So when I tried to make a sixth row, I started with 12 DC before working the first 2DC. I worked three stitches before making the next 2DC and repeated that once more.
      I worked 5 DC like Round 5 had and repeated the 2DC with 3 DC (because each of the last two rows had six pairs of increased stitches at the ends).
      I made 14 DC before the first increase of the second end. There I had 3 DC between each increase and 5 DC between the 3rd and 4th increase. I ended the roun with 2 DC.
      I had 12 more atitches compared to round 5 and my oval is lying flat. It seems like the run of DCs between the ends has a pattern of the aecond side having 2 more DC than the first side did.
      Like increasing a circle, each subsequent round would add 1 stitch between increases to keep it flat. I haven’t tried a 7th roumd yet so I don’t know if the run of DCs needs to alternate or stay the same.

  2. I agree with the previous message. I need to make an afghan size oval. So you have the pattern for a larger oval.

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